Silver And Gold Leading The Fold

 | Aug 01, 2016 02:04AM ET

We've again had our annual July reminder of just how swiftly time passes, gold's trading volume having moved from the August contract into that for December. And for those of you lucky enough to be scoring at home, did you note the amount of contract premium built into December over August? Eight points (!), August gold settling Friday at 1350, but December's at 1358.

Short of enlisting a gaggle of summer interns to comb back through decades of contract data, said leap in premium is the largest in this writer's memory: typically, the difference in pricing from one "front month" contract to the next is a few points, in either direction; for example a year ago, the premium of December over August was less than four points.

But the willingness to pay $8/oz. more for gold due five months from now -- or conversely when you can lock in a price for $8/oz. less today -- seems a bullishly-biased indication of traders and gold hedgers' expectations.

So: we may already be tradin' December gold, but having only made it though July, here are our seven months year-to-date standings of the BEGOS Markets, with silver and gold leading the fold: